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Why is TASC only offering Camp Invent the week of June 25th - June 29th and does my child have to attend the full day? 

With school ending on Friday, June 22nd it has been difficult in years past for TASC to set up and prepare the school for Camp to start on the following Monday. We want to guarantee the students have the best possible camp experience and we believe by only offering Camp Invent the first week it will give us extra time to prepare. For the first week TASC will be offering Camp Invent for students entering 1st - 6th grade and the program is a full day commitment. The instructors would prefer the students to attend the full day in order to get the most out of the program. TASC Force will be available the first week for students entering 7th & 8th grade and the Minis Program will be available the first week for incoming Kindergarteners. 

My child is entering Kindergarten in the fall is there a program for them after 12p.m.?


TASC wants to offer the best care possible and part of that is making sure we offer age appropriate activities. During the summer the Siwanoy Country Club utilizes the Cottle school for their summer camp. After 12p.m. they are scheduled to utilize the multi-use spaces at Cottle and the TASC Camp moves up to the Tuckahoe High School for our afternoon activiites. Unfortunately THS is not an appropriate space for incoming kindergarten students and the afternoon activities we offer in THS are more geared to older students. 

Does TASC offer Camp after 3p.m.?


During the summer months the Tuckahoe district staff and custodians operate on a modified schedule, ending each day at 3p.m. This means the school buildings close promptly at 3p.m. daily and TASC is unable to offer care past 3p.m. Many of the TASC counselors babysit after camp and on the weekends. Please email to TASC to let them know if you would like to post a babysitting job listing on the counselor message board.

How flexible is Camp registration? Am I able to register for single days or add on weeks?


TASC tries to offer flexible registration to meet the needs of all our TASC families. During the summer families have the option to register for a single week of camp through all six weeks. We encorage parents to register for all six weeks at the early registration price because it is the most cost effective. Families are able to register for single weeks but unfortantly not single days. If you register for TASC camp you are able to add on weeks as long space is available.

Is my child able to receive extra help with their homework?


TASC offers a designated homework time and area for each grade during afternoon TASC. All students will be encoraged to complete their homework at TASC unless a note stating they do not have to do homework at TASC is received from the parents. In the homework room students will have access to all the supplies they need including computers.  TASC counselors are available to assit, answer questions and check homework but are unable to offer one on one help. TASC operates on a 1:10 counselor to students ratio and therefore the counselors are unable to work soley with one child. Counselors will only assit students who ask for help and will only check homework for completion, we advise all parents to look over the homework each night with their child. 

My child will only be attending the TASC program one time.  Do I still need to pay the registration fee?


The annual registration fee is required for all families utilizing the program in any capcity. Since TASC offers rolling registration the registration fee remains the same from September - June of the school year. 

How do I submit a payment to TASC or view my bill?

For the school year program TASC monthly tuition payments are due by the 5th of each month and invoices will only be sent via email for late payments. TASC is able to accept payments in the form of check/money order made out to TASC or exact cash payments. TASC is unable to process credit card payments. Payments can be mailed into the Cottle School, given to the front desk counselor at time of pick-up or sent into the Cottle school main office in an envelope addressed to TASC.  You are able to view your account at anytime by logging into Campsites and viewing your parent dashboard.   

How do I contact TASC during program hours?

The best way to contact TASC during program hours is via email.  All emails will go to the ipad located at the front desk and the counselor will be able to view any emails regarding change in pick-up or plans. 

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© Copyright 2020 by Tuckahoe After School Care Inc.

Tel: (914) 337-5376 ext. 1242


William E. Cottle School

2 Siwanoy Blvd.

Eastchester, NY 10709

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